Healer Hanks, tHANK you

Kartikeyan V
Jun 7, 2021

https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/04/opinion/tom-hanks-tulsa-race-massacre-history.html?campaign_id=39&emc=edit_ty_20210607&instance_id=32426&nl=opinion-today&regi_id=133664293&segment_id=60068&te=1&user_id=5903944b6752a7c7d02ee4f830827db3 — an article that is written from a firm anchoring in humanistic values. When people realise their privilege AND begin to see how that may have contributed to marginalizing others, and own that up, it provides the touch of The Healer.



Kartikeyan V

Leadership and Organisation Consultant and Coach, Author of "Discover The Alchemist Within", Co-owner of the IP of the "Transformative Alignment Map"